Reviving an 80s animated phenomenon, Cartoon Network will add the all-new Transformers Armada to its Toonami lineup, which will also include G Gundam.
Transformers Armada, produced by Eaon, will kick off on Friday, Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. with a 90-minute movie special, and will join the daily Toonami schedule in November.
The 52-episode series takes place on Earth, where three children discover a Pandoras box from the World of Cybertron, the home of the title transforming robots. Carlos, Rad and Alexa unwittingly revive an ancient battle between the AUTOBOT and DECEPTICON robots. The warring factions fight it out for control over a third race of Transformers, the MINI-CON. Historically a dormant group, the MINI-CON are now the key to a crucial source of power. And when connected with other Transformers, they have the ability to enhance the strength and power of the larger robots.
The cable network will also add G Gundam, from Bandai, to its Toonami slate on Monday, Aug. 5. The 49 episode series will air Monday Friday at 5 p.m. (ET, PT).
G Gundam takes place in the year Future Century 0060, when world war has been replaced by Gundam Fights, tournaments held every four years to determine the ruler of the Earth Sphere. At the start of the 13th Gudam Fight, more is at stake than a simple battle for power. In addition to winning the tournament, Neo Japans Gundam Fighter, Domon Kasshu, must track down the prototype Dark Gundam in order to free his imprisoned brother, clear the family name and save his father.
Toonami, Cartoon Networks top-rated afternoon action-adventure franchise, airs weekdays 4-7 p.m. (ET, PT) and features anime action favorites like Dragonball, Dragon Ball Z and Batman Beyond.