Marking a first in animation history, cartoonist, animator and independent filmmaker Bill Plympton invites the public to watch him draw his next feature, Hair High. The entire production will be captured live on the Internet.
Plympton is obviously someone who doesnt mind people looking over his shoulder while hes working. Every day, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (EST), a camera will capture his work and broadcast it around the world.
The closing credits of Plymptons last film, Mutant Aliens, feature time-lapse photography of the animator at work. Now hes taking the concept a step further, offering an unprecedented behind-the-scenes look at how an animated pic is drawn. And with Plympton bound to his desk for eight hours a day, the experiment also promises to be a study in diligence.
You can watch Plympton draw Hair High beginning Monday, Sept. 16 at