Atomic Cartoons is ready for its close-up. The Vancouver, Canada-based website is all-new, re-tooled and ready for downloading.
Atomic’s original all-Flash website generated a measure of industry attention when it was launched in 2000. At the time, it was ahead of the curve in the Flash cartoon arena and set the tone for many other industry sites.
“We figured it was time to update, so we went for a total redo," says Atomic CEO Trevor Bentley. The result, Bentley continues, is a site that’s cleaner and easier to navigate. And, adds Atomic’s webmaster and Flash director Ridd Sorenson: “We wanted to streamline the site while maintaining the same kind of humorous, tongue-in-cheek quality of the original. With this in mind, we decided to get rid of any unnecessary bells and whistles and replaced them with more high-quality sample artwork and animation, as well as revising the business content of the site to better relay exactly what Atomic Cartoons can do service-wise. Using Flash exclusively, we set out to create an intuitive and easy to navigate website with something for everyone, and a few hidden surprises as well.”
Atomic Cartoons specializes in animation content creation and service work.