Anark Studio 2.0

Anark Studio 2 is a multimedia-authoring software with 3D interaction capabilities. Anark Studio 2’s UI consists of a preview window, a toolbox, a scene library, a storage window, a parameter inspector and a timeline. The timeline is sharply set up and easy to use, and you can grab behaviors, textures, sound, etc., from the storage window. You can obviously customize your work area by moving, scaling and closing these windows.

Anark Studio 2 helps create elegant presentations in a timely manner. It also allows you to post interactive 3D objects on the web, and you can even use it to create interactive games if you spend enough time with it.

The package works on both Windows and MAC OSX and you can burn the CD or DVD of your Anark presentation on both platforms. I checked Anark Studio on a HP Workstation xw4100 and was able to see a real-time performance.

The Good News: The software helps designers create eye-catching, high-quality material at a fast pace, as well as offering easy drag-and-drop behaviors, and creating interactive scenes. One great feature is the fact that everything pauses if you switch to another window (in web/play mode). This way you can’t miss anything hiding behind the other windows.

The Wish List: It would be a plus to have the ability to view thumbnails of textures inside the program (avoiding confusion between, say, FinalTexture01.jpg and FinalTexture1.jpg). Slight modeling capabilities would also be a good addition.

The Bottom Line: The high level of creative interaction is what sets this software apart from similar packages. With the helpful tutorials that come with Anark Studio 2, you can learn the software in a short time.

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Animation Magazine’s Seal of Excellence

Final Score: *****

Ease of Use: *****

Interface: *****

Power of Tools: ****

Quality and Depth: *****