Heres a reminder to all you considering employment in the video game biz. The Game Initiatives “How To Break Into Video Game Industry: Conference, Resume Workshop and Job Fair” takes place this Saturday, Jan. 31 in San Francisco.
Sponsored by Alias, the event will offer attendees the opportunity to speak with industry insiders, including top recruiter and hiring managers from local game companies.
“The comprehensive program will provide an overview of the industry, identify technology trends and requirements as well as the qualifications and skill-sets that are in demand,” notes Game Initiative exec. director Christopher Sherman. “The casual nature of this event allows attendees an unprecedented opportunity to interact with industry veterans, ask questions, gain valuable contacts and understand the business.”
The conference promises to aid students in building an early professional road map and help established professionals learn how transfer their experience and skills to the game industry.
Registration starts at 8:30am on Saturday, Jan. 31, with events running until 3:00pm. Admission is $35 in advance or $45 at the door. The event takes place at the 600 Townsend Building located in the South of Market Area at the corner of 7th and Townsend Streets in San Francisco. Registration is available online at
“How To Break Into Video Game Industry” is managed by the staff that produced the Austin Game Conference in September 2003 and the Austin Game Breakin in November 2003. The Game Initiative ( was spun out of the Austin Game Initiative (AGI) to focus on producing leading game industry events worldwide.