Moonscoop, the newly launched distributor for Antefilms Production and France Animation, has inked its first major U.S. deal with the sale of Code Lyoko to Cartoon Network. The new animated show for kids 6-12 is set to debut April 19 during Cartoon Networks new action adventure programming block, Miguzi.
Featuring a distinctive combination of 2D and 3D animation, Code Lyoko follows the adventures of Yumi, Ulrich, Odd and Jeremy, ordinary students as who become action heroes in the virtual digital world. Planet Earth and the parallel universe of Lyoko face the threat of annihilation when a super virus infects the central processing units and only our heroes can foil the mad computers evil plans.
Code Lyoko has been a success on France 3 where the 26×30 show had the best launch of a new animated series in the back-to-school period starting September 2003. The Moonscoop catalogue also boasts France 3s number one animated show, Titeuf.
The first Antefilms production to make to it U.S. TV was Funky Cops, which began airing on Fox Box last year. The show was awarded Best European Program in 2003 at Cartoons on the Bay and has also sold to Fox Kids Latin America, MTV, VRAK, YLE, Fox Kids Europe, NFK, Foxtel and M6.
Moonscoop will be at MIP-TV where France Animation has previously exhibited.