Taffy Entertainment’s new CG toon, Pet Alien, will be unleashed on Cartoon Network in the second quarter of 2005. Produced by Mike Young Productions and distribute by MYPs subsidiary, Taffy Entertainment, the series will also air on Cartoon Network Europe in the first quarter of next year, as well as all of the networks other broadcast services in Latin America, Asia/Pacific and Japan.
Based on a property created by Jeff Muncy of John Doze Studios, Pet Alien is co-produced by Antefilms/TF1 France; Crest, India and Telegael, Ireland. The 52×11 package centers on a 12-year-olds relationship with his alien friends Dinko, Gumpers, Flip, Swany and Scruffy, who complicate his pre-adolescent life on Earth.
"From the start, Pet Alien was created with Cartoon Networks irreverent audience in mind," says exec producer and MYP/Taffy principal Bill Schultz. "In addition to the slapstick physical comedy, the series has attitude and a strong point of viewwhich we hope will make it highly appealing to the networks millions of discriminating cartoon aficionados around the world.