This Friday, cable network MTV 2 will debut the new series Wonder Showzen (formerly Kids Show), an absurdist comedy/variety show featuring animation, puppets, live action and old educational films. Created and written by John Lee and Vernon Chatman, the series spoofs Sesame Street and features kid performers but is anything but a kids show.
Episodes will contain skits featuring the main puppets, Chauncey, Wordsworth, Sthugar and Him, as well as news segments with A.P. Gibralter and Clarence’s “puppet on the street.” MTV is calling the series "delightfully dark, yet smartly subversive." Advanced word suggests that some viewers will find it repulsive while it builds a cult following with others.
The debut of Wonder Showzen has been long delayed, perhaps due to the recent wave of indecency lobbying. Apparently, eight episodes have been produced but it is uncertain if all installments will make it to air.
Since producing the pilot, co-creator Chatman has reportedly gone on to write episodes of Late Night with Conan O’Brien and is listed as a series consultant for Comedy Centrals South Park.
Wonder Showzen will air at 9:30 p.m. ET during MTV 2s SicEm Friday block.