Hits Visitor High


Citing Nielsen//NetRatings data, Cartoon Network New Media says hit an all-time high in July as visitors each spent an average of 77 minutes on the site. Fans log on to view full-length episodes and clips of such popular animated shows as Ben 10 and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. The site also offers more than 170 free online games based on the network’s shows and characters.

Nielsen//NetRatings last month announced that it added the “Total Minutes” and “Total Sessions” metrics to NetView, its syndicated Internet audience measurement service. The change is intended to deliver greater perspective on total engagement across sites, accounting for the time and sessions spent collectively by all visitors to the site. When results came in, outpaced its primary competition by ranking 26th among all U.S. domains in total time spent in July.

The new record of 77 minutes per person beats’s previous high mark of 71 minutes, which was set in 2004. In addition to leading its television competitors in the kids’ space, says it topped nearly all other television network domains in terms of total minutes, bested only by CNN and the Weather Channel.