It’s been 55 years since Tinker Bell made her animated debut in the popular Disney feature Peter Pan. The single-minded fairy will be the star of her own CG-animated adventure on October 28, when Disney Home Entertainment releases Tinker Bell on DVD and Blu-ray. This will be the first time the iconic character will actually speak, voiced by Mae Whitman, who recently replaced Brittany Murphy who was originally up for the part. The star-studded voice cast also includes America Ferrara, Raven-Symone, Kristin Chenoweth, Lucy Liu and Angelica Huston.
Produced by DisneyToon Studios, Tinker Bell was the subject of much tweaking and soul-searching, especially after John Lasseter joined Disney as CCO a couple of years ago. The movie explores the fairy’s early life in the fantastic world of Pixie Hollow and her friendships with other multicultural and magical creatures. Tinker Bell is directed by Bradley Raymond (The Lion King 1 ‘, Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas and Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World).
Tinker Bell, the first in a series of films featuring the Disney Fairies, will be priced at $29.99 on DVD and $34.99 on Blu-Ray.
You can watch John Lasseter’s intro to the movie at:CLICK HERE
The film’s trailer is at: CLICK HERE