Atari Telling Tale of Despereaux

With the folding of Brash Ent., Atari has picked up North American publishing rights to the video game based on Universal’s CG-animated family film The Tale of Despreaux. The game will be released in conjunction with the movie’s Dec. 19 North American theatrical bow. Since there was no time to change the packaging, the units will still carry the Brash logo.

Atari will release the title for Wii, PlayStation 2 and PC, and will also distribute the Nintendo DS version, which is Universal’s first self-funded game. An overseas publisher is still being sought. Other Brash titles up for grabs include games based on the movies Saw, Night at the Museum 2, Clash of the Titans and Superman.

Brash was established to focus on licensed properties, especially movie-based games. Atari has been making some investments in that area lately, snatching up rights to Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena and Ghostbusters from Activision, which lightened its load when it merged with Vivendi Games.