Logorama, the Oscar-winning animated short film from French filmmakers Francois Alaux, Herve de Crecy and Ludovic Houplain won the Golden Dove for the best animated film or video at the 53rd International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film.
The festival also awarded a Silver Dove in the category to Matray of France for the film Babioles. The Golden Dove included a prize of 5,000 euros; the Silver, 3,000 euros.
The award for the best German animated film goes to Felix Gonnert for the film Apollo. The award includes a prize of 3,000 euros. Honorary mentions went to Anita Killi of Norway for Sinna mann (Angry Man) and to Vessela Dantcheva of Germany and Bulgaria for Anna Blume.
The festival screened 346 films from 58 nations and drew 1,421 accredited visitors. Festival director Claas Danielsen says the final attendance figure should be close to last year’s record of 24,000 visitors.
The full list of winners can be found online at www.dokfestival-leipzig.de.