SIGGRAPH Asia Preps Papers, Prizes for 2010

South Korea is set to play host to more than 8,000 people from the computer animation and interactivity world by hosting SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Dec. 15-18 in Seoul.

The conference will screen more than 100 animations and present nearly 170 research papers, technical sketches and posters for discussion.

The third edition of SIGGRAPH Asia features four  programs: computer animation festival, courses, technical papers, technical sketches & posters as well as a trade exhibition.

Featured speakers include:

  • Frank Stephenson, design director, McLaren Automotive, who will  offer participants a glimpse into the glitz and grind behind designing one of the world’s most fascinating speed machines.
  • Hyung-Tae Kim, art director at NC Soft,  a Korean artist who is well known for his outstanding contributions to the video game industry.
  • Satirical caricaturist Professor Jae-Dong Park, who will be sharing his passion for art, and how drawing and sketching have evolved from pencil and paper to the computer screen.

This year’s Computer Animation Festival has presented juried prizes as follows:

  • Best in Show: Poppy, directed by James Cunningham, New Zealand
  • Best Technical PIece: Civilization V, Digic Pictures.
  • Best Student Prize: Loom, by  Ilija Brunck, Jan Bitzer and Csaba Letay of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

For more information on the programs and conference, visit