Alec Baldwin, Chris Pine, Hugh Jackman, Jude Law and Isla Fischer have been cast in DreamWorks Animation’s Rise of the Guardians, a 3D animated feature based on the upcoming children’s book series.
William Joyce, who created the book series, will co-direct the film with Peter Ramsey, using a script from David Lindsey-Abaire. Guillermo del Toro is executive producer.
The story sees icons of childhood such as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy teaming up to save the world from an evil spirit. Baldwin is to play Santa, Jackman is the Easter Bunny, Fischer is playing Tooth Fairy, Law plays the villain and Pine is Jack Frost, a role he takes over from Leonardo DiCaprio, who was originally attached to the project.
Rise of the Guardians is set for release in stereoscopic 3D on Nov. 21, 2012.