The Animation Guild, ASIFA Hollywood and Women In Animation have announced their annual Afternoon of Remembrance for members of the animation community will be held March 5 at the Lasky-DeMille Barn at the Hollywood Heritage Museum, 2100 N. Highland Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.
The nondenominational celebration will this year include the following people:
- Alex Anderson
- Yvonne “Vonnie” Batson*
- Tom Bird
- Betty Brooks*
- Eddie Carroll
- Robert Culp
- Robert Dettloff
- Peter Fernandez
- Frank Frazetta
- Ronald Gans
- John Garling
- Louis Gorham*
- Ernie Guanlao
- Steven Hodgson
- Chris Jenkyns
- Alex Johns
- Kihachiro Kawamoto
- Peter Keefe
- Betty Kimball
- Aron Kincaid
- Kip King
- Satoshi Kon
- Rudy Larriva
- Annette Leavitt
- Phil Lewis
- Bill Littlejohn
- Carl Macek
- Diane Jacobs Matranga
- Grant McCune
- Robert McIntosh
- Ann Oliphant
- Shana Ozark
- Betty Paraskevas
- J. C. Ponce
- Tom Ray
- Dan Read
- Billie Mae Richards*
- Jesus Rodriguez
- Pres Romanillos
- Don Schloat*
- Te Wei
- Andrew Witkin
- Ilene Woods
An asterisk indicates people for whom the organizers are seeking someone to speak about them at the event or write a memoriam that can be read aloud. If you can help, or if you know of someone who died between Feb. 1, 2010, and Jan. 31, 2011, who is not on the list and should be, contact Jeff Massie at
Food and refreshments will be served at noon, with the memoriams beginning at 1 p.m. and running through 4 p.m.
The event is free of charge and is open to all. No RSVPs are necessary.