Levy, Fox Animation Plan ‘Mr. Men’ Movie

20th Century Fox Animation and producer Shawn Levy are teaming up to bring the popular British children’s book and TV series stars Mr. Men to the big screen, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The project will be produced through Levy’s company, 21 Laps Entertainment, which is based at Fox. No writer or director has been picked.

Mr. Men began as a series of British children’s books by Roger Hargreaves that began publication in 1971. He wrote 48 entires in the series and it has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide.

Mr. Men has been adapted to TV in four separate series, the earliest being in the mid-1970s and the most recent running two seasons in both the U.K. and the United States starting in 2008.

Levy’s credits including directing both Night at the Museum live-action films, as well the comedies Date Night, Pink Panther and Cheaper by the Dozen.