The animated feature Green Lantern: Emerald Knights will premiere April 1 at WonderCon as part of a comprehensive slate of programming designed to promote the Warner Bros.’ franchise in advance of its live-action movie debut this summer.
The animated film — an anthology of stories starring different members of the Green Lantern Corps — features the voice talents of Nathan Fillion, Elisabeth Moss, Jason Isaacs, Kelly Hu, Henry Rollins, Roddy Piper, Arnold Vosloo and Wade Williams. The premiere screening will be held Friday evening in the Esplanade Ballroom, and will be followed by a panel discussion featuring filmmakers and voice-cast members.
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights is scheduled for release on DVD and Blu-ray June 7, just 10 days before the release of a live-action Green Lantern feature film based on the DC Comics hero.
The live-action film will also get plenty of play at the convention, with stars Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and Peter Sarsgaard set to appear at the show for a signing April 1 at 4 p.m., followed by a panel about the film at 5 p.m.
Other Green Lantern events at the show include panels related to upcoming Green Lantern comic books, the new videogame Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters and a sneak peek at upcoming toys and other merchandise slated to go on sale this summer in support of the live-action movie.
For tickets to the Green Lantern opening day panel and information on other events at WonderCon, visit the show’s website at