The legacy of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood will continue on PBS, thanks to a new animated preschool show, slated for fall of 2012. The show, which is called Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood centers on the world of four-year old Daniel Tiger and is based on the next generation of the original characters from the beloved preschool series. All the old Neighborhood of Make Believe residents have grown up and now have their own pre-school children.
“We’re very excited to be creating a program that builds on Fred’s legacy in such fresh and innovative ways,” says Bill Isler, President of The Fred Rogers Company, which developed the series, says. “Fred knew that school readiness skills are the foundation for academic achievement, and a full life, and now a growing body of research confirms this.”
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is executive produced by Kevin Morrison for The Fred Rogers Company and cofounder of Out of the Blue Enterprises, Angela Santomero (Super Why!). Additionally, 9 Story Entertainment will produce the animation and Schell Games will develop the series’ digital educational applications.
Rogers passed away in 2003 at the age of 74 from stomach cancer. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was one of the longest running series on PBS.