Cinedigm Digital Cinema has announced that it will release Pokémon the Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom in 300 digital theaters across the U.S. in December. The special one-weekend engagement is planned for December 3rd and 4th only. Die-hard fans can catch the debut of the movie’s trailer this weekend, September 17thand 18th, on immediately following an on-demand, online screening of the most recent feature-length movie, Pokémon—Zoroark: Master of Illusions.
In the latest movie, Ash attempts to awaken the legendary Pokémon Zekrom to help him stop the misguided Damon and save the Victory Pokémon Victini!

“We are thrilled to provide fans an opportunity to see this exciting new Pokémon feature film on the big screen,” said Jill Newhouse Calcaterra, Chief Marketing Officer at Cinedigm. “Pokémon fans are a passionate group and will truly relish seeing this film together.”
As part of a Pokémon first, Pokémon the Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom is one of two feature-length films debuting in December. Launch details about the second movie, Pokémon the Movie: Black—Victini and Reshiram, will be coming soon. Both movies were released in Japan this past July and collectively grossed over $53 million. The newest Pokemon TV series Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes began airing in that country in 2010. The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996, as a popular game owned by Nintendo.