Toronto-based Portfolio Entertainment will launch the new one-hour animated movie Young Abraham at MIPCOM. Produced by BKC, the 48-minute CG-animated offering merges cutting-edge production values with a classic storyline. Directed by Todd Shaffer and written by Ron Mezey, the movie portrays the iconic Abraham as a courageous boy who dared to question conventional wisdom and became a historic leader against all odds. The pic is produced by Big Bang Digital Studio.
Portfolio is also launching Brilhante F.C. (26 x 30), Mixer’s charming coming of age dramedy about five adolescent girls who decide to form the first all-girl soccer team in their small Brazilian town.
“Strong messages and superior production quality are what makes these titles so appealing,” says Louis Fournier, VP of sales & acquisitions at Portfolio Entertainment. “Tweens all over the world will relate to the stories in Brilhante, and Young Abraham will provide a wonderful co-viewing experience for families.”
Visit Portfolio International at the Canada Pavilion Booth 00.01 For more info, go to