Mondo Media’s beloved and wacky Happy Tree Friends returns with an original Christmas episode titled “Clause For Concern.” The episode features the lovable father/son duo of Pop & Cub as they get into the spirit of the holidays by starting out with the best of intentions and like many people’s experience of Christmas ends up going horribly wrong.
Launched in 2000, Happy Tree Friends has been adapted into a television series and aired on G4TV and IFC in the US and on MTV in most overseas markets. The property has developed into a global franchise including everything from back-to-school paper products for Latin America to cell phone accessories for Japanese teenagers.
“Clause for Concern” marks the shows fifth official Christmas-themed episode. Created by Kenn Navarro and Rhode Montijo, the show generates over 22 million views per month on Mondo Media’s YouTube channel, Mondo Mini Shows. Here is the festive episode: