Cuppa Coffee to Animate ‘The Osbournes’

Toronto-based house Cuppa Coffee is producing a new stop-motion animated series called The F’n Osbournes. Studio founder Adam Shaheen will bring the series to the MIPTV confab in France in April to secure financing.

“Teaming up with Cuppa Coffee has spawned a great opportunity to produce a unique animated prime-time show,” says exec producer Sharon Osbourne. “I’ve been excited about animating our often crazy lives for a while now.”

Jack Osbourne, who will also executive produce the show alongside his mother, promised the show would be “a radical and humorous new spin on our family”. Both Osbournes are involved in developing the show’s scripts.

“Although it is animation, it’s certainly not one for little kids, bearing in mind the family that are at the root of it,” adds Shaheen who is also exec producing the show.

The F’n Osbournes
The F’n Osbournes

The 20 episode series is unrelated to the MTV reality show The Osbournes, which shot the Black Sabbath frontman’s family into the public eye when it aired between 2002 and 2005.

Cuppa Coffee’s previous credits include Nick at Nite’s Glenn Martin DDS, Celebrity Death Match for MTV, Teletoon’s Life’s a Zoo, and Comedy Central’s Ugly Americans.  For more info, visit