Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival is now accepting entries for its 18th edition, set for Sept. 18-23 in Bristol, England.
Expectations for the new edition are high, following a record number of 1,789 film submissions received and a 37 percent increase in audience figures in 2011.
“The festival is looking forward yet again to discovering the most promising short film and animation talent from all over the world,” said managing director Liz Harkman. “We have come a long way and are proud of the festival’s success. We have exciting plans for our 18th edition, and will continue to find new ways of showcasing, celebrating and inspiring short filmmakers through reaching new audiences, and facilitated networking amongst industry professionals and emerging filmmakers.”
The call for entries will close on June 6; and July 9 for Watershed’s DepicT! 90-second film competition.
Films of any genre with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, completed after January 2011, are eligible. Submissions are made through the Reelport website, which will host the Encounters Digital Viewing Library, making all films available for delegates during the festival and for the following six months.
Full submission guidelines are listed at www.encounters-festival.org.uk/submissions.