Oh Willy…, a stop-motion animated short film by Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels, has won the Cartoon D’Or. The honor, given to the best European animated short of the year, was chosen from a field of five finalists and presented last week at Cartoon Forum in Toulouse, France.
Oh Willy… tells the strange story of Willy, who returns to the naturist community where he spent his youth to visit his dying mother. When she dies shortly after he arrives, Willy is confronted with the choices he made in his life.
A co-production of Beast Animation, Polaris Film & Finance, Vivement Lundi!, il Luster, the film is of joint Belgium, France and Netherlands origin. It has been previously honored with awards at the Animafest, Zagreb and Fest Anca festivals.
Here’s the trailer for Oh Willy…
The other nominees are:
- Edmond Was a Donkey by Franck Dion (France / Canada, 2012, 15mn 4s) Prod: Papy3D Productions, Arte France, L’office national du film du Canada
- Flamingo Pride by Tomer Eshed (Germany, 2011, 6mn 2s). Prod: Talking Animals, HFF Konrad Wolf
- Tram by Michaela Pavlatova (France / Czech Republic, 2012, 7mn). Prod: Sacrebleu Productions, Negativ Film
- Zing by Kyra Buschor & Cynthia Collins (Germany, 2011, 7mn 31s) Prod: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
The 2012 jury was composed of directors Alain Gagnol (France), Esben Toft Jacobsen (Denmark) and Giuseppe Lagana (Italy).