Kid Glove Creative, the development division of producer/distributor/rights manager Kid Glove, has partnered with Australian studio Sticky Pictures to develop and produce Perry Parka Polar Possum, a new animated comedy series for 6-9 year olds.
The series centers on Perry Parka, Mayor of the North Pole and a possum who sees everything as possible. Where others see danger, folly or just crazy ideas, Perry turns it upside down—which is right-side up for him—and leaps into action. The show is created by children’s author/illustrator/cartoonist James Proimos (Swim Swim, Knuckle and Potty Destroy Happy World, Generation O!) together with award-winning producer/illustrator/animator Carlson Bull, founder of Bully! Entertainment.
The Perry Parka project sparks a new collaboration between the companies to co-produce children’s entertainment for the global marketplace. The Kid Glove team is led by president Brenda Wooding and lead creative executive Heather Kenyon; Donna Andrews is CEO and partner of Sticky Pictures.