Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is set to make a triumphant return to TV as Nickelodeon has announced it has picked up a second season of the CG-animated revamp of the classic toon property, after the resounding success of the series launch this weekend. The premiere ranked as the week’s top telecast with kids 2-11 and boys 6-11 across broadcast and cable, and the number one kids program on basic cable with total viewers (drawing 3.9 million) for the week. The show also has a rating high for the network with boys 2-11 and was Nick’s top-rated premiere for an animated series since 2009. TMNT garnered nearly 12 million total viewers during its premiere weekend.
This smash success influenced Nick to order an additional 26 episodes, which will begin airing next year. Additionally the reintroduction of the hit franchise has created a lot of excitement in the licensing sphere, with a new line of TMNT goods from Playmates Toys being named ‘Hot Toys for the Holidays’ on the Toys ‘R’ Us and Time to Play lists.
You can read more about the show in our TMNT write-up from the October issue of Animation Magazine.