L.A.-based animation shop BrainZoo Studios has launched a Kickstarter campaign for its popular short Pepe & Lucas. The crowd-sourcing plan is to adapt the eight-minute short about clowns, mimes and a pie-launching device, into a full 22-minute pilot episode for an animated TV series.
“We’ve been creating character driven animation for some of the biggest and well-known brands for over 17 years,” notes Mo Davoudian, creative director and CEO of BrainZoo. “So why start making stuff for ourselves? When the economy took a turn for the worst, we saw lots of animation studios shutter their doors and call it a day. Instead of lying down and going the way of the Dodo bird, we decided to make our own way by doing what we do best; telling fantastic character driven stories using the talent and technology right here in our studio.”
You can find out more about this $350,000 fundraising campaign at www.kickstarter.com/projects/296479411/pepe-and-lucas-the-animated-series.