Gaumont Animation (formerly Alphanim), is hosting a big bash to promote its upcoming CG-animated series Calimero on June 12 at the opening night of the the Annecy International Animation Festival. The new 104 x 11 series is produced by Gaumont with the property owner Calidra and Italy’s Studio Campedelli. The event will also celebrate the popular property’s 50th Anniversary.
Broadcasters who have already signed on board from the start of this new production are France’s TF1, RAI Fiction, Disney Junior and Tele Quebec.
As part of the festival, artists from different art movements or disciplines (i.e. graffiti artists, animators) will be invited to paint on replicas of the famous Calimero eggshell while bringing their own interpretation to this iconic character. After the festival, these “work of art” eggshells will be exhibited in a Parisian gallery and in the main capitals around the world where the show will be broadcast. The eggshell paintings will then be auctioned to raise money for Les Toiles Enchantées, an association represented by French actor and director Alain Chabat, that offers disabled or hospitalized children and teens the possibility to watch the latest movies for free directly in their hospital. The association was helped in the past by names such as Tim Burton, Daft Punk, Paul Auster, Vanessa Paradis, Céline Dion, and Jodie Foster.
“We are thrilled to hosting Calimero’s 50th Anniversary party during Annecy and MIFA,” says Pierre Belaisch, managing director of Gaumont Animation. “Audiences around the world have been following the adventures of Calimero for over four decades, and now with our new CGI series which delivery will start in September of this year, we will be introducing a whole new generation of fans to this loveable character with new stories, new environments and new inspirations.” Added Belaisch, “Generosity and collaboration are key characteristics of Calimero’s personality, and what better place than MIFA and Les Toiles Enchantées to celebrate this iconic character in the presence of artists and fans.”
Created in 1963 by Nino Pagot, Toni Pagot and Ignazio Colnaghi, Calimero is a hapless black chicken who wears his half eggshell on his head, The property became an international hit with 290 episodes of animation aired in over 80 countries. Celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year, Gaumont Animation’s all-new animated CGI series will bring this iconic character to an entire new audience of children. Gaumont Animation distributes the program and manages the brand internationally on behalf of Calidra, the right owner.