Canadian toon house Bron Animation will kick off production this fall on a feature-length CG animated film titled Henchmen, based on an original script by Jay D. Waxman. The flick will be directed by Adam Wood, who recently served as animation director on The Weinstein Co.’s Escape from Planet Earth. Wood, a former Pixar animator (Toy Story 2, Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc.) is currently directing Bron Animation’s Mighty Mighty Monsters specials “Halloween Havoc,” “New Fears Eve” and “Pranks for the Memories.”
Henchmen is a quirky comedy adventure focusing on Jimmy and The Kid, two low-ranking henchmen for hire trying to earn a dishonest day’s wages with whichever super villain group will hire them—which is hard work with the world’s super heroes constantly foiling all the evil plots. But when The Kid happens to get his hands on the super villain’s ultimate weapon, the duo are thrust into the big leagues with every hero and villain in the world trying to catch them. Now, they must stay one step ahead and find a way to save themselves, even if it means becoming the one thing they have always hated…heroes.
Bron’s managing director Aaron L. Gilbert will produce alongside Barbara Zelinski (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Mighty Mighty Monsters). The studio is currently ramping up its recruiting efforts, with a team at SIGGRAPH on the hunt for talent. Attending are CTO Terry Bates, vfx supervisor Teunis De Raat, lead pipeline TD Kirk Chantraine, TD Dimitry Kachkovski and studio partner Brenda Gilbert.