Animated action-comedy Sendokai Champions will debut on KidsCo’s exclusive SyFy Kids block next Thursday, October 10. The show, co-produced by TVE, Planeta Junior and Kotoc, will air new episodes every Thursday at 5 p.m. in local time zones through Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Sendokai currently broadcasts in Spain on CLAN and in over 50 countries in Latin America via Cartoon Network, with premieres in the U.S. on Saban’s Vortexx on The CW and in Portugal on Canal Panda coming soon.
Sendokai Champions follows the adventures of Zak, Cloe, Kiet and Fenzy—four kids who must save the Earth from the multidimensional invasion led by the evil Marshal Zorn. The quartet must overcome their weaknesses and become warriors by learning the art of Sendokai and winning the Grand Tournament of the Multiverse to push back the threat.