FX has announced that the fifth season of its hugely popular animated comedy Archer is set to premiere on Monday, Jan. 13 at 10 p.m.. The show, which is created by Adam Reed, first debuted on FX in September of 2009. Produced by Reed and Matt Thompson, the show centers on the adventures of suave and self-centered master spy Sterling Archer and his colleagues at the ISIS, the International Secret Intelligence Service in New York City. The stellar voice cast includes H. Jon Benjamin, Judy Greer, Amber Nash, Chris Parnell, Aisha Tyler, Jessica Walter, George Coe and Adam Reed. The show’s animation is produced by Floyd County Productions in Atlanta.
Matt Thompson recently told Animation Magazine recently that the new season of the series will be unlike any of the previous four. The producer was tight-lipped about the exact nature of the plot changes, but he assured us that nothing will ever be the same after the first show of the season! You can read more about the new season in the next issue of Animation Magazine. In the meantime, FX has provided us with this new video that features Archer demonstrating the proper and safe way to handle a gun!