Walt Disney Animation Studios in collaboration with Lincoln Square Productions has prepared an unprecedented, behind-the-scenes look at the making of its Oscar-winning smash-hit CG fairy tale Frozen exclusively for ABC. The special, The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic, premieres next Tuesday, September 2 at 8 p.m. ET and will include a look at what’s next for Anna, Elsa and friends, an exclusive sneak peek at Disney/Marvel’s Big Hero 6 (Nov. 7) and more.
Viewers will get a rare look inside Disney Animation, and unprecedented access to the creative team that brought the frosty adventure to life. Through the one-hour special, fans will hear from stars Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel, directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, Oscar-winning songwriters Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez (“Let It Go”), producer Peter Del Vecho, CCO John Lasseter and artists who helped bring the film from the drawing board to the big screen. The special will take viewers through the Norwegian villages and landscapes that inspired Arendelle and see footage from research trips to Norway, Quebec and further fields.
The Story of Frozen will also feature some exciting announcements about the next chapter of Frozen and a never-before-seen preview of Anna, Elsa and Kristoff’s live-action debut on an upcoming episode of ABC’s Once Upon a Time. The hour will culminate with a sneak peek at comedy-adventure Big Hero 6 with directors Don Hall and Chris Williams.
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