Nickelodeon Animation Studio has teamed up with bi-monthly animation challenge organizers LoopDeLoop to showcase the scads of talent it has uncovered with a special screening at the Studio in Burbank, Calif. on Oct. 3. The free event is open to the artistic community and will showcase original works from participants from around the world — Nickelodeon is the first ever network to support a LoopDeLoop event.
Every two months, LoopDeLoop puts a call out to artists from all walks of the animation universe to submit looping animations based on a specific theme. For August and September, Nick and LDL are challenging participants to embrace their inner rugrat to create joyful loops based on the theme “childhood.” Selected loops will be posted on the LDL website. Submissions close at 11:30 p.m. on September 21 in the participant’s time zone. (Visit the submissions page for more details.)
The Aug.-Sept. challenge will conclude with the free screening of submitted works. Two winners will be selected during the showcase; a “Local Hero” voted by the audience, and an “International Loop Hero” voted by the industry judges from showrunners, producers, bloggers and up-and-coming animators.