A new feature production house called ZAG Animation Studios has emerged on the scene, as a joint venture of Haim Saban (chairman & CEO Saban Capital Group, founder Saban Brands), Chris Columbus (writer, director and Oscar-nominated producer), Michael Barnathan (Oscar-nominated producer) and Jeremy Zag (founder ZAG Entertainment).
This professional quarter will lead the studio in developing, producing and distributing global family entertainment, including one 3D animated film and one CG/live-action hybrid film per year starting in 2017. ZAG Animation will operate out of ZAG Ent.’s new, state-of-the-art campus in Glendale, Calif.
The studio already has a slate of 10 original films in development. ZAG’s first feature, Melody, will be fully animated in CG and co-directed by Columbus and Zag. Following will be hybrid flick Ghostforce and animated movie Abominable. Further details will be announced soon, including consumer products. Saban Group will be responsible for all distribution and marketing strategies, while Saban Brands handles worldwide licensing and merchandising.