Disney’s feature-film adaptation of Marvel’s superhero property Big Hero 6 posted the studio’s second-biggest box office opening weekend of the year in Japan — second only to the smash-hit Frozen.
Set in the fictional mashup city of San Fransokyo, Big Hero 6 earned $5.35 million in ticket sales from 540 screens over the weekend. That made it the nation’s No. 2 movie for the weekend, behind the $13.6 million gross for animated feature Yo-Kai Watch the Movie: The Secret Is Created, Nyan!, which is based on a Nintendo role-playing game.
Frozen opened with $6.37 million and went on to be the nation’s top-grossing movie of the year with $212 million in ticket sales in the island nation.
Big Hero 6 — known as Baymax in Japan — is forecast to finish with around $50 million.