9 Story Media Group has licensed 94 half-hours of kids content to U.S. Hispanic broadcast network MundoFox — owned by Fox International Channels and RCN. The network has picked up three properties: Wibbly Pig (52 x 11), Finding Stuff Out (42 x 22) and Artzooka! (26 x 22).
Official synopses:
Based on Mick Inkpen’s multi-award winning literary franchise (over 2 million books sold), Wibbly Pig features humorous stories about lovable Wibbly, a funny, inquisitive and engaging character who turns the simplest daily tasks and activities into a comedy routine.
Finding Stuff Out is a lively science-oriented series which, instead of imposing adult notions on kids about what they should know, gives them what they want: answers to the questions that matter to them the most!
Blending live action and animation, Artzooka! provides kids with new techniques to create masterpieces out of everyday objects. The host of the show teaches the audience that art is everywhere and that there is an artist in every child!