Elite Animation Opens Tampa Academy

Florida’s Elite Animation Academy, which staged its summer youth camp in Orlando last year, is growing its operations by opening a second location in Tampa. The facility will offer classes in traditional and digital animation as well as camps overseen by professionals including former Disney animators, Marvel artists and industry experts. The Academy will host an open house May 16 from 3-7 p.m. for prospective attendees.

Registration is now open for the 2015 summer camps (June 1 – August 21). Campers aged 10 and up can pick from a number of techniques, including traditional 2D, stop-motion (with LEGO), 2D Flash/3D Maya and more.

Starting in September, Elite Animation Academy in Tampa will offer a range of classes from the fundamentals of life drawing through digital sculpting for kids and teens ages 10 and up and adults. The curriculum is designed at an intermediate level to encourage interest in the art form and lay the foundations for pursuing a career in animation or a related industry.

Visit for more information.

Elite Animation Academy
Elite Animation Academy