BBC’s CBeebies will be launching a new hybrid live-action, CG 3D and 2D series, Messy Goes to Okido, on September 7. The show — based on the character created by kids’ arts and science magazine OKIDO — is a comedy-adventure starring an inquisitive, lovable monster that educates young viewers about scientific concepts.
Aimed at kids 2-5, the series is entirely produced in Squint/Opera’s Battersea studios in London, and is directed by BAFTA winner Liz Whitaker (Bob the Builder, Pingu, Timmy Time).
Messy Monster finds the answers to everything a 2-5 year old child would want to know, with his best friends Zoe and Felix. Each episode sees Messy Monster pose a question in the real world and then magically travel to the extraordinary, fictional world of Okido, where he finds the answers to his questions. Why do things fall down and not up? Where do echoes come from? The brave trio fly to the moon, shrink to the size of atoms and ride on the backs of giant butterflies! The show brings science to life using stories, comedy and adventure.