Adult Swim has greenlighted a new animated comedy series from director Daniel Stessen, Dream Corp LLC. The series is being executive produced by John Krasinski and Stephen Merchant from The Office along with Krasinski’s Sunday Night shingle producing partner Allyson Seeger.
Leading the voice cast will be Jon Gries (most rapidly recognized as Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite). Dream Corp LLC is being produced at Artbelly Productions, and will be Adult Swim’s first series to use rotoscope animation. Stessen’s animation experience is largely based on his short film The Gold Sparrow, which was nominated for the Animated Short award at SXSW in 2013.
“DREAM CORP LLC” is an experimental therapy facility that creates a virtual reality for patients to confront issues in their waking life by simulating their wildest dreams. Guided by the eccentric Dr. Roberts (Jon Gries) a team of unique scientists document and conduct their research that hasn’t been funded since 1992. Like a poorly maintained carnival ride, the program has developed some questionable kinks throughout the years. The patients change from week to week, but despite the advice of their loved ones and their own instincts, they keep coming back.