Toon Boom Animation has announced the release of Storyboard Pro 5, the latest iteration of its popular pre-production solution. Version 5 features improvements that streamline the process, with new creative tools for artists, improvements to the 3D workflow and better integration with editorial. Storyboard Pro 5 is also now able to handle pre-production pipelines for CG, live action and game cinematics.
“With Storyboard Pro 5, we are focused on streamlining story development for all types of users,” said Marc-Andre Bouvier-Pelletier, Product Manager at Toon Boom Animation. “Storyboard 5 enables artists to develop impressive storyboards faster than ever before.”
New features in Storyboard Pro 5 include:
3D workflow enhancements: Better integration between 2D and 3D, with the ability to snap 3D models to surfaces, create layers on models, import Collada and Alembic files and work with a more responsive 3D camera.
Customizable brush tips: Artists can adjust roundness, hardness and angle of tips as well as add randomness.
Layer grouping: Content can be more easily organized and shared with grouped layers, creating a more fluid development process.
Qt application scripting: Users can create tools and scripts to automate manual tasks — there are several example scripts available to help jump-start customization.
Support for 23.976 NDF Timecode: Enables the seamless transfer of animatics from Storyboard Pro to the editing suite.
Storyboard Pro 5 is available now for as little as $38 per month ($999 annual subscription) for a perpetual license. More pricing options are available on Toon Boom’s website.