Preschool series Kit & Kate — produced by Toonbox Animation Studio and distributed by Ankama Animations — has picked up several international broadcast partners recently. The show is now set to air through EBS (South Korea), ICFLIX (SVOD in MENA territories) and Disney Junior in Australia and New Zealand. Additional deals are currently in negotiation.
Kit & Kate (32 x 5) tells the tales of two cute kittens who learn how to make good choices while having fun in their playroom. Each time they jump in their magical toy chest, their imaginations transform the playroom into a colorful world where their games help them experience the consequences of good and bad decisions. With help from their parents, Kit and Kate learn important lessons and find a happy ending to their imaginative journey.
Ankama’s film and TV team will be on hand at Kidscreen in Miami to discuss the series with potential partners.