Ukrainian media group FILM.UA closed a deal for the distribution of its animated feature The Stolen Princess with Poland’s Polsat during the Marche du Film in Cannes. The production had previously been picked up by ProFilms (Bulgaria), Cinema 24 (Iran) and KLB (France).
“We are impressed by the high quality of video footage, and the story itself is very captivating,” said Polsat’s Licensing Department Director, Magdalena Janaczek. “The film will be widely released in cinemas in Poland. As a media group, we are empowered to provide the most effective promotional support for The Stolen Princess.”
The Stolen Princess is an animated 3D feature currently in production at FILM.UA Group’s Animagrad studio. The story is loosely based on a classic poem by Aleksandr Pushkin and love and magic, and has been adapted for the international market and a wide family audience. Delivery is set for the end of 2017.
FILM.UA Group is exhibiting at the Marche du Film at stand 24.07.