Angoulême, France-based CG animation specialist Vanilla Seed has been tapped as the production studio for the first animated series based on the popular baby toy, Sophie la Girafe (manufactured by Vulli).
The series is being produced by Karen Levy Bencheton’s KLB, and will premiere via online platforms in spring 2017.
An initial 15-episode season of Sophie la Girafe will be directed by Stéphane Gallard. Sophie la Girafe joins other series currently in production at Vanilla Seed’s Angoulême studios: Pat the Dog and Helen’s Little School.
Founded in 2006 by Jean-François Sarazin and located in the heart of the Cognac Valley, Vanilla Seed designs and produces CG animation for TV, features, advertising, independent short films, commissioned shorts, motion design, et al. The studio’s clients and partners include ARTE, Canal Plus, France Télévisions, TAT Productions, Superprod, Ubisoft, GoodYear and Pfizer.
Sophie la Girafe was first manufactured in 1961 in France, and quickly caught on with caregivers due to its baby-manageable size and soft, natural rubber material to help with teething. The sweet-faced, squeezable animal toy remains popular today and is still made by Vulli using a “traditional” multiphase manufacturing process.