Mondo TV Preps Slate for Kidscreen Miami

Mondo TV has announced that it will be highlighting four major new series at the Kidscreen Summit Miami (Feb. 13-16), three of which are animated properties with high international appeal.

Yoohoo & Friends 3D (2017: 52’ x 11) is a preschool series following a group of animal friends who inhabit the magical island of Yootopia who help endangered animals in their home and on Earth. The TV series is bolstered by high licensing awareness, with more than 80 million YooHoo & Friends plush toys sold since the worldwide launch of the line by Aurora World in 2007, driving enormous interest in the forthcoming animated version.

Invention Story (2018: 104 x 11’) is an innovative new 3D, HD animated comedy-action series for children ages 4 to 8. Combining fun and learning, the show stars Kit, a creative young fox, who, in each episode, comes up with a new invention, delighting the rabbit inhabitants of Carrot Town and infuriating their angry, jealous mayor.

Mondo TV has also announced an agreement with Korean content and marketing company CJ E&M to act as TV distributor and licensing agent in a number of territories for the new HD CGI animated action adventure show for 3-6 year olds: Robot Trains (2018- 32×11’). The series is set in Train World where all citizens are trains — some of whom are special trains that can transform into robots! The series follows the growth of the five train heroes – Kay, Alf, Duck, Selly and Victor – and their exciting adventures. Kay, the fastest train in the world, has lost his memory and skills in an accident. To get back to his old self, Kay goes on a journey with his friends, encountering many challenging missions along the way.

The company will also be shopping its live-action adaptation Heidi, Bienvenida a Casa (2017: 60 x 45’), a co-production with Alianzas Producciones. This modern take on the classic character Heidi is based on an original idea by Argentinian writer Marcela Citterio, and offers an exciting mix of music, comedy, colour, magic, and extraordinary characters as the charming and friendly girl who moves from her rural home to the confusing environment of the big city.

Yoohoo and Friends
Yoohoo and Friends
Robot Trains
Robot Trains