CROWDFUND: Animated Political Satire ‘A Foul American’
The animated series is co-created by voice actor Greg Cipes (Teen Titans Go!, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and comicker Kevin Coulston (Dylan McVillain), with an all-star cast lead by Eric Bauza, Tara Strong, Brittany Furlan, Riley Keough, and musician Ben Keough. Kickstarter runs through May 20.
Oculus Teases Unreleased “Quill” Animation Tools
The internally developed VR tool used for Dear Angelica can be seen in action in new videos from Oculus Story Studio Art Director Goro Fujita, who’s working on a new piece called A Moment in Time.
Digital Hollywood Spring – Schedule Updates
Taking place May 23-25, the event has set nominations for its Comedy Festival, and teamed up with Women in Film, HollyShorts and NALIP to host DigiFest. They’re also planning abut a million can’t-miss sessions, so look over the agenda and register soon.
Adult Animation Brings More Approachable Culture to Traditional TV
Tim Murdoch for The Pitt News opines: “When we don’t take cartoons for what they are — legitimate forms of art — we devalue the intelligence behind the creation and disregard the validity of what they bring to today’s media.” Amen.
Animation Film Studio Will Look for a New Site
A proposed multistory complex in Bunbury, Western Australia, which was to include a Chinese joint venture studio for film and animation, has floundered following a decision by the city council.