A teaser trailer has been released for the latest collaborative project out of Nimble Collective: an animated short film titled Spring Cleaning! by studio Chocolate Soop, which previews the upcoming Sunny & GERD series. The titular robot duo’s first misadventure will see them tapping the power of an interdimensional portal to clean up … what could go wrong?
Chocolate Soop is the studio banner of illustrator Dacosta Bayley, who was behind the recent “March of Robots” community drawing challenge on Instagram (@ChocolateSoop). Bayley has been creating professional work across various media since 1995, and is now collaborating with Nimble Collective on the Sunny & GERD animated series.
Nimble Collective is a Silicon Valley startup seeking to revolutionize the animation industry by creating the first cloud-native animation platform, which will allow animators and creative collaborators anywhere in the world to come together to produce new projects.
Learn more about the project at or sunnyandgerd.com.