The first full animated short film to be produced as a partnership project through Nimble Collective’s Virtual Studio Service Platform has arrived, with the debut of DaCosta Bayley’s Sunny and Gerd in “Spring Cleaning”, which was teased earlier this month. The project was created under Bayley’s Chocolate Soop studio banner.
You can watch the full short here.
The whimsical CG cartoon introduces two charming robots with very different personalities. In the non-dialog comedy, enthusiastic Sunny gets into a jam while using an interdimensional portal to tidy up some old junk, forcing serious-minded Gerd to come to think his way to a rescue. Learn more about the project at and
DaCosta Bayley is a self-taught, multi-faceted Canadian illustrator who has been creating professionally across diverse media since 1995.
Nimble Collective is a Silicon Valley startup seeking to revolutionize the animation industry with the first cloud-native, collaborative animation platform.