A new superheroic collaboration between American comics legend Stan Lee and acclaimed Japanese anime director Hiroshi Nahamaha (Mushishi, Flowers of Evil, Detroit Metal City) will bow in Japan this month as NHK premieres The Reflection: Wave One on July 22. Produced by Lee’s POW! Entertainment and Studio DEEN, the 12-episode series will air Saturday late-night on the pubcaster.
The concept revolves around a global disaster known as “The Reflection” which results in people all over the world developing superhuman abilities, which they learn for good or evil depending on their dispositions. The main story follows the conflict between the hero Xon (voiced by Shinichiro Miki) and the villain I-Guy (Satoshi Mikami). The project was first announced at LA’s Comikaze Expo in 2015.
Key creatives on The Reflection include series director Koichiro Sohtome (Mushishi), writer Yasuyuki Suzuki (Naruto) and art director Hisaharu Iijima (Bakemonogatari). British songwriter Trevor Horn is producing the music, with Keiichi Nozaki as music director and Japanese group 9nine performing the ending theme song.