Acclaimed animated short Dear Basketball arrived Monday on Verizon’s go90 streaming service, in partnership with Granity Studios and Believe Entertainment Group. The 5-minute short from director Glen Keane, writer/producer Kobe Bryant and Oscar-winning composer John Williams has also launched across Verizon’s Yahoo! Sports, AOL and Complex platforms.
Built on former LA Lakers star Bryant’s poetic ode to the game, Dear Basketball premiered at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival and recently won Best 2D Hand-Drawn Animation and the Special Jury Prize at the World Animation Celebration. It is one of the 10 films shortlisted for the Best Animated Short Academy Award.
“Dear Basketball is a story about the child within all of us, having dreams and loving something so much that you know when it’s time to say good-bye. Glen Keane and John Williams are masters of their crafts and bring a raw emotion to this story that I never thought possible,” said Bryant. “We created this film with the sincere hope that it resonates with and inspires fans of all ages, in all walks of life, to be the best version of themselves. Being able to present the short on go90 and across many of Verizon’s media brands gives more people an opportunity to see the film and be inspired.”
In addition to the short, viewers checking out Dear Basketball on go90, Yahoo! Sports, AOL and Complex can also get an exclusive look at the 22-minute making-of documentary.
“Verizon’s go90 welcomes an array of creators, from icons to up and comers, providing them with a flexible canvas on which to share their stories,” said Chief Content Officer for go90, Ivana Kirkbride. “On the heels of its Academy Awards shortlist inclusion for Best Animated Short Film, the piece is a delightful new addition to our sports and entertainment offering.”