Luca Milano, Director of Rai Regazzi (the children’s division of the Italian public broadcaster RAI), has been elected as the new chairperson of the European Broadcasting Union’s TV Children & Youth Experts Group. The elections in Geneva also returned Vanessa Amberleigh of the BBC (UK) and Yago Fandino Lousa of TVE (Spain) as deputies.
“Faced with the expansion of great multinational media companies, the collaboration among European public broadcasters is more and more important especially in the area of kids’ content, in order to preserve diversity, promote national stories and talents, and pay attention to the changing educational patterns in our societies,” said Milano.
Per the EBU website, the TV Children and Youth Experts Group is comprised of all heads of young audience departments within EBU member organizations, comprising some 80 representatives. The program group is elected every two years. The Group meets once a year for a plenary session, which involves professional discussions on different themes of current interest to the children’s programming field as well as agenda matters such as updates on ongoing co-productions in animation and fiction, pitching session and more.